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tv   Today  NBC  March 13, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PDT

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>> you could get two of those. >> you could get what, hold it up. >> people are lazy. and they don't want to buy two or three. can you imagine drinking that? that's, that's kind of gross. is it diet? >> no, it's not diet. >> when you think about how many calories are in that -- you know what? this is one of those instances where i think you got to say -- good for mayor bloomberg, he's trying to come up with something. because we have a huge, huge problem in our country of obesity, which leads to all kinds of other health problems like diabetes and everything else. but i don't think you can legislate either morality in a sense or people's behavior. people are going to drink what they want to drink. and eat what they want to eat, hoda-woman. >> if you ban things, i'm sure there are fewer smokers because there are fewer places to smoke. we asked a friend who does smoke. and said listen, if it were banned completely in new york, and you can't smoke anywhere, what would happen.
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and she said, i would quit. i thought she would quit the job. but she said no, i would quit smoking, i have to because i need my job. >> the mayor is going to appeal that. so he has another shot at it we'll see what happens. speaking of drinking, it's booze-day tuesday. we have these drinks. >> what is hudson common, you guys? >> it's a liquor. >> no. >> it's a restaurant, and this has been sponsored by them or inspired by them, which is an inside joke. >> it's got a lot of -- a blend of liquors, vodka, champagne -- anyway. >> thank god i don't like this stuff. can you imagine if i liked even more stuff? >> you like enough stuff. >> i like enough stuff. >> so "the view" made an announcement, a couple of announcements yesterday, one that elizabeth hasselbeck is staying.
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there has been a lot of press that she was leaving. >> i'm really glad, i happen to know elizabeth really well and happen to adore her. she is one of the best people you know her, hoda? >> i don't know her as well as you know her. >> she's a doll. >> another announcement is that joy behar is leaving "the view." while she was on the set with everybody, she was announcing her top ten reasons to leave "the view." here's one of them. >> i have my top ten reasons for leaving "the view." would you like to hear them? okay! number one -- number ten, i mean, number ten. abc won't let me drink on the air like hoda and kathie lee. >> yeah. >> there you go. what other reasons do you need? >> this is the place to be. >> we want to wish everybody the best and i have known joy behar for so many years, and it goes back do when i first came to new york 31 years ago and worked at a different network and worked at a different morning show.
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she was the receptionist for the executive producer at that show. at the time. and literally, was doing stand-up at night. so whether you agree or disagree with her politically or you like her or dislike what she does on the air -- she worked hard. she has worked really hard and we wish her all the best and i'm glad that elizabeth is going to stay. i think the dissenting views are important and we have to learn to live on the same planet with one another, hoda. look at you and me. oil and water. >> i predict a blow-out on friday. >> yeah. >> i'm going on record and making a prediction for friday that you and i are going to have a major blow-out. >> it could happen any day. you know what could happen today? >> what. >> a landmark. >> today? >> on what? >> on facebook. we are so close to reaching half a million. >> we've not that close. we've been saying it for months. people aren't liking us.
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>> they are liking us. >> they aren't liking us on the facebook page. >> maybe it's because we haven't begged. >> we've been begging, shaking a can. >> in is no longer working. >> i don't like the foam thumb. no one is interested. >> so i'm going to get down -- that's right. please like us on facebook! please! please like us! it would really mean a lot to koda-bub. she's very insecure and she thinks people don't like her and i know some of you don't like her. but please, like us on facebook. >> i know three people who do like us and like you and me and are standing right over there. cameron, holly, and holly's daughter caroline are high school friends of mine. not the daughter, obviously. we all went to high school and they're just here visiting. >> we've got three likes. >> only attractive friends. >> they are -- >> every friend of yours is like really attractive. >> thank you.
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>> not all their husbands and boyfriends, but all your friends. >> all right -- >> we had 497 and 47 likes so far. hoda, you're terrible at math. that's very close do half a million. >> we've had 490-something thousand for four months. >> because you think you're too big, you're too important to beg. people like begging. >> they don't. >> yes, they do. it makes them feel powerful. >> if we hit half a million -- >> you'll beg for a million? >> i'll beg you for forgiveness. how about that? >> you need to do that anyway. >> sheryl sandberg has opened up quite a can of worms. >> here's the thing, she's the coo of facebook. she's 43 years old and she's talking about a lot of things we've been talking about for a long time. >> especially in light of melissa mayer, who is the head
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of -- yahoo. so -- this is why i didn't want to do this in the first place. >> why? >> because i think we've made, i don't know why this is a big thing now. we've been discussing these issues forever. >> she's saying all of these young women are graduating college and the number of ceos and people running companies are so small and she's saying you guys have to lean in and don't opt out before you have a chance to get it or not get it. some people are opting out because they've had a chance to try. they opt out because they might have kids and they make all of these decisions. where men go ahead and say, i'll do it they might not be as qualified but they jump in the deep end. >> do you think men lie more than women on their resumés? >> yes, i do. i think women feel more afraid of getting caught. i think guys have more confidence. >> i learned a lesson yesterday. i was with a friend and he was telling me that he was, driving
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near a school and he saw this woman standing in the middle of the street. and he was very concerned about her. because she was erratic and she was, you could tell she was very upset. and he thought maybe she needed help. this wonderful guy. he goes to her, rolls down the window. she starts screaming, screaming at him. you told me to meet me here. you told me you would meet me here. it was some guy she met, she was supposed to meet some guy on from online. he realizes he can't help her, he's trying to roll up the window. she smacks the car, leaves a huge hand print on the window. why am i telling you this? >> i don't know. i'm lost. i tuned out, but what -- what happened? >> what happened to the lady. >> lying, that's why. she lied about what she looked like online, so when the guy showed up, he kept going.
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>> what does that have to do with sandberg and coos? >> this is a woman who is not leaning in. >> that's a wrap, that's good, that's a nice story. >> hoda, there's a lesson to be learned from this. is that joanne? that's my goal every day, is to get joanne on the floor, laughing into her depends. >> ready? >> for what? i don't know. >> she went from dating -- >> wait, wait, before we go, our facebook page is on fire. we're almost there, if we're there by the end of this show -- what -- no, no, it's 944, 949, 950, 955, 99 -- we did it! >> we did it! >> let's see the number. >> we did it! >> klg, you're all right.
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>> we'll be back with the woman from meatballs. she lost 42 pounds, you guys. but when you wake up ay, in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake
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without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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she is a 4'9" reality star that's always been larger than life. nicole snooki polizzi has turned from party girl to proud mama. >> six months after having lorenzo, she's dropped 42 pounds. she's flaunting her body on the current core of "us weekly." >> and also wrapping up the second season of her "jersey shore" spinoff and it's a family affair. take a look. >> first the umbilical cord. >> and then the poop. >> now the social security card. >> he's growing up. >> what's next? >> i'm not ready for this. >> and she's -- >> it doesn't matter if you're ready. it's going to happen any way, right?
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>> can we talk about how cute that little baby is for just one second? >> right? i'm not just saying it because he's my baby. but he's so cute. >> is motherhood what you thought? >> it's even better. i mean i was definitely a little nervous, because i wasn't good with kids in the beginning. but everything came so naturally and he's such a good baby. he's always smiling and laughing, i got lucky. >> how did you learn how to hold him, how to feed him, how to change him? >> it was an experience. i got thrown into it. holding him. it came naturally. >> did you have a few mess-ups? >> oh, yeah, i hit his head a couple times. >> it's amazing what babies survive. >> he's okay. >> how about your man? how is he taking to fatherhood? >> he is amazing, he's a great father. only because i feel like he's grown up with kids, his family is huge. he's always been around kids. so he's like the awesome one and you know i'm still learning. >> and how is your relationship changed as a result of being parents to this beautiful baby boy? >> well there's no romantic stuff any more. it's all about the baby, obviously. >> well, the baby does sleep at times?
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>> not really. >> now when we were doing the interview, they were saying on the notes that we've always called you snooki. >> we never knew you had another name. but in interviews you like to be called now by your given name, which is nicole. >> it's nice to hear my real name once in a while. snooki is what i'm known as, but i like nicole, too, so i think it's cool to use both. >> are the party days gone, is that it? >> i have no motivation to even go out and party. but i do once in a while, when i do like to drink, i like to go out with my girls and have a glass of wine. but not like the crazy days. >> are you concerned at all that the new nicole polizzi who doesn't party and isn't known for all of her wild antics and stuff that you'll still be appealing to same audience that you once had in the "jersey shore"? >> i think it's different and my fans are growing with me and they're proud of me and my parents are proud of me and my friends are proud of me.
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i started at 21, drinking and partying. now i'm a mom and everything is just changing. i'm maturing. i'm still funny. >> how did you lose the weight? >> i lost 20 pounds from breastfeeding, that was awesome and i waited six weeks until i could work out. and i got a trainer, got my butt into a gym and i've been working hard for four months. >> do you watch everything you eat? >> yes. no carbs, no dairy. trying to be gluten-free. >> are you going to -- well, once the kid discovers french fries, it's a new challenge. >> everything kids like taste so much better than everything we eat. >> chicken nuggets. >> it's great to see you. >> and give lorenzo a smooch for us. >> our girl sara heads up the river with a paddle. >> up the river with a paddle. ♪ up the lazy river hey.
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they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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people are switching to finish... ... and it's spreading all across america. quantum with new power gel delivers amazing clean and shine, even in the hardest water, which cascade just can't do. so take the finish shine challenge and get up to 30% off!
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time for sara breaks out of the city. >> she headed down to one of my favorite cities, she went to new orleans. >> hoda's home sweet home, a perfect setting for a mark twain voyage. an overnight cruise up the mississippi river. i left a good job in the city and hitched a ride on the 418-foot-long "american queen." like any other cruise, there's a pool, gym and wireless internet. but this boat also has a paddle wheel and a caliope. >> what's the appeal of a steam boat. >> are you kidding? >> aside from the wheel that -- >> we're a floating mansion of our world. we're all about the slower and easier lifestyle and pace. >> you think of mark twain when you think of steam boats and the river. is there, do you guys try to play to that? >> we do. we certainly know where our roots are and where we came
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from. >> up to 436 passengers can sleep on the "american queen." as they board, i join the steam boat syncopaters to welcome every one on to the world's largest paddle boat. the boat cruises up and down the mississippi with stops in new orleans, memphis, st. louis, and even st. paul, minnesota. down in the engine room, ada teaches me how steam keeps everything rolling along. i'll go first. [ bell ringing ] >> that's ahead. this is forward, that's good. leave it where it is. and now he wants full, so pull it all the way out. >> that's it? >> no. >> there you go. >> after a passenger safety check, it's time to signal our departure. it's full steam ahead as we say good-bye to neorleans, and the big wheel keeps on turning.
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♪ left a good job in the city ♪ working for the man every night and day ♪ ♪ and i never lost one minute of sleeping ♪ ♪ worrying about the way things might have been ♪ ♪ big wheel keep on turning ♪ proud mary keep on burning ♪ rolling ♪ rolling ♪ rolling on the river ♪ rolling ♪ rolling ♪ rolling on the river ♪ woo woo woo woo woo woo >> we cruise along at about seven miles per hour while passengers wine and dine and relax and take in a show before bed time. at the crack of dawn, we approach the historic oak alley plantation and i help the deck hands dock at their first stop of the journey. >> grab here. what we do is pull on the line.
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they're pushing, we're pulling. >> these ropes are weighted down with a small steel ball to keep the boat from floating away. >> i'm towing the line, chains couldn't handle it. i've got it. >> let's see you throw it. >> okay. while i apologized, the passengers are free to explore or just enjoy the view of the mighty mississippi. some new friends from oak alley join me to wish everyone bon voyage. and then, almost as quickly as she came, the proud "american queen" just keeps flowing down the river. >> nice. that looks like so much fun. >> it was a blast and the food is one of the perks. fried chicken and champagne is what the culinary director swears by. >> nothing is -- >> better than champagne. >> please mayor bloomberg don't say we can't have any fried
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chicken anymore. >> we have a lot of stuff coming up. >> the perfect pair of jeans to fit your body type -- important!
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>> announcer: today's style is brought to you by yoplait, learn how to take your look from good, to so good, with tips from today's style experts. that fried chicken was so delicious, half of it is on my face. we're back on this tuesday, with today's style. and we're going to help you find the perfect pair of jeans, you know what it's like. you get into the dressing room with 15 different kinds of jeans, none of them make it past your knees. >> or they're so low in the back -- >> i hate that. >> i don't like those kind of jeans that all of your assets are hanging out. that's what happened to lisa marsh, she tried on 74 pairs of jeans, before finding some that fit her curves, lisa is a writer for "good housekeeping." >> nice to see you, you're bound
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and determined to get a great pair of jeans. >> it was not 74, 73 1/2, because one only went up to my knees. >> a lot of people look at labels. >> the sizes are so different. >> you know what, you have to walk in with an open mind. i am a curvy woman. you would think that curvy jeans would fit me. curvy jeans look terrible on me, skinny jeans look good on me. you have to have an open mind. you have to say, do i have to have this pair of jeans? do i have to have this particular brand? no, i want a pair of jeans that fit me right. >> jeans, can you pay a price, for them, they have to be comfortable. >> what matters is where the pockets sit. that makes all the difference. if they too low, they look terrible. >> i like jeans that are made with no pockets. >> slimming. >> you don't put anything in them, anyway. >> the pocket situation -- you have to have the pockets that fit correctly. you don't want them too big, they make your butt look weird,
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you don't want them too small. you have to take somebody with you. >> what are these jeans? >> these are coldwater creek trouser jeans, i love them, the back looks good. >> they have a little spandex action in them? >> almost every jean has a little spandex in them. these are great, i wear them with a jacket, a good pair of shoes,ky go to dinner, go out, i can sit with my kids on the floor and hang out. >> let's bring our models. kim is very petite what did you find for her? >> kim is wearing talbot's heritage jean. what's great about these is they are sized for a petite woman. she's only 5'2", she's tiny. >> she doesn't have to hem them? >> she would have to hem them if they weren't the right proportion. but these are the right proportion. it's really good for her. >> thank you, kim. >> crystal is up next. she lost 100 pounds and she wants to dress properly for her body. hello, crystal. way to go. >> crystal is conscious of her
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midsection, which she doesn't need to be because she's as skinny as can be. these are yummy tummy jeans, they started as a foundation maker. they have an actual -- like a control panel in there. so she feels skinny. they're very comfortable and she looks incredibly sleek, because the dark denim loses ten pounds for you. >> you like dark denim. that's your thing. >> i want very light or very dark, nothing in between. >> mona is next, she's very tall and you wanted to make sure she fit well in hers. >> she is wearing seven for all mankind. it's as hard to fit somebody very tall as it is for somebody short. for someone like luna. i would suggest she go to bloomingdale's, because they have so many kinds of jeans on the floor. if you can't find something there, you're impossible to fit. chances are, you'll go to bloomingdale's and find something. >> and are they all basically the same price point. these are i think $158. they're more expensive.
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these jeans that i'm wearing are i think in the $60 range. >> a big range. >> is lucy here? >> she doesn't like the ones that fit too low in the back. >> nobody does. >> nobody looks good in those. >> the crack jeans, not even plumbers like those. >> lucy is wearing old navy and they are skinny and they fit her perfectly. >> thank you! >> you guys, thank you very much. >> she'll definitely get you into your skinny jeans. >> we're talking biggest loser trainer, jillian michaels, she'll show you how to keep the weight off for good. n way to sl. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities
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while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues.
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hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! this is fast food. this is the express lane. and this is the fast track. this is the fastest in-home wifi. this is xfinity internet. xfinity. the future of awesome.
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she's the no-nonsense, tough as nails trainer on nbc's "biggest loser" but jillian michaels hassent is that more than 20 years helping people reach their weight loss and health goals. >> she has a new book "slim for
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life." and i was driving in this morning with christine, and she was still crying from last night's show. she said it was so powerful and so moving. a lot like "the bachelor." but that's another, for other reasons. >> i never heard of that show. what show? >> you've written books, done things, what makes this book special for people? >> gosh, this is really my simplest, most accessible and affordable approach. because after becoming a mom, i realized how unrealistic it was to be cooking every meal and buying all organic and going to the gym five times a week. >> it changes your perspective. >> but there is a way to do it. >> how? >> simple strategies like okay, these foods never, these foods 20% of the time. 80% of the time, make the better choice, these foods boost metabolism. here's a schedule. free foods, which are the healthier stuff like the veggies. >> all the carrots you want. >> pretty much.
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and kale, all day long. but it's about how these people find the balance. here's the eating schedule, four times a day every four hours, just really simple strategies and common-sense stuff that clears up all the misinformation it deals with diet dilemmas like cravings, hunger, plateaus, emotional support. >> i feel so bad about those chicken legs we had. >> we shouldn't have eaten those. >> i feel terrible. >> they were so darn good. >> you're going to show us some exercises in a minute with sara. how has motherhood changed you? >> whoa? >> how has -- let's just -- how hasn't it? it changes you in every way. i have to say, it is the most challenging thing that i've ever done. and i struggle every day to kind of find my footing with it. but it's also the most amazing thing you could ever do. so -- >> will you show us a few moves -- >> we'll get sara, the young one to do it.
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>> so, all right, i designed these moves, you can do them any place, any time, anywhere. so these are a little workout that i'm going to be doing, i'm going on a speaking tour this summer. >> where are you going? >> across the country. >> 40-some cities? >> yes, across the country, across canada, i'm on a tour bus with the whole family. >> you think you're tired now. >> i know. this is the kind of stuff we're going to be doing. we start with jumping lungs, come on, here we go. intensity, cardiovascular. if you have knee problems, you do regular lungs, don't jump. all the way down. we're going into crab kicks. this is fine. come up. you see how she's working multiple muscle groups at the same time? shoulders, triceps, tush, legs. trying to sell a book here,
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she's happy. >> stand up, buddy. >> wow, that was fun. >> what i like to do is i like to do 30-second intervals of repetition. >> so you don't get so exhausted that you get bored. >> and you can max out your absolute best performance. this is called the surfer get up. jumping into a plank and popping up like a surfer on a surfboard. >> jillian, we wish you all the best. >> everything you need for your next road trip. but first, these messages. >> good girl, sara! good morning. i'm meteorologist crystal everythinger. your forecast for the week ahead. we'll start out later today looking at scattered snow showers around the lakes.
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lake effect snow showers coming in. especially for western new york, western p.a. drying out for the i-95 corridor. we're done with the rain. the rest of the country looking pretty good with the exception of the northwest. we're tracking yet more rain moving in which will stick around through thursday. here's the cold wedge of air that takes us all the way down to louisville. only 37 for the high. 50s still holding on across the east. and warming up significantly for the desert southwest. we could have our first 90-degree day in places like phoenix. first 90 of the season. then we've got another system to track tomorrow as it moves across the upper midwest. the high plains there and around the we were lakes with a chance of some snow. 36 degrees in chicago. light snow with no accumulation expected. temperatures starting to climb here behind the system. we'll see a rise in our numbers with each day. and eventually getting all the way to the canadian border, we'll feel that warmth. 60 in billings, only 39 in minneapolis on friday.
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48 in chicago by friday. so there's your warm-up. we get to near 50 there in chicagoland. 44 on saturday. gets colder here behind the next systemn the northeast. but stays warm in the southeast. 74 in atlanta how many about that? by sunday, tracking rain showers for the ohio valley and down into the tennessee valley. 44 in d.c. all the southern states staying pretty dry there and another system that swings across the country will bring more snow showers, more winter weather for the lakes. this is one to watch on monday. as we see rain cross areas to the south and the north. it could be another big storm. keep it right here on the weather channel. we will update you, wake-up with al at 5:30.
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it's time for today's tech, if you're planning on hitting the road for your next vocation. don't grab your keys without
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checking these must-have gadgets. >> joe greenberg is the author of "gadget nation" and he's got good gadgets to make your trip more enjoyable. >> prove it! >> this is neo, it creates an electronic leash for people who lose their keys. like if you leave your phone at the restaurant. when you're separated from it, like i'm going to separate right now. in a couple of seconds after you move away. an alarm will go off. >> just what we need, more alarms. >> but it's a great thing. >> but it's more noise pollution. this will rock your world. >> isn't it a great idea, you won't leave your phone in the cab. >> i need it for shoes. for bowling balls, everything. >> i love this. >> this is a travel mug, but almost like a magic trick. you can't knock it over, but yet you can pick it straight up. it's the magic of, you can push real hard. but, look, look, look at that. you are really trying to prove him wrong. >> she's tough.
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she's tough. >> you got to want to knock it down. otherwise they lift right up. mighty mug. really cool. >> oh man, oh man. >> next up this is called the go pillow. this is a pillow, so it's for when you've got a baby in your arms. you've got a baby in your arms. a built-in blanket. you can keep the baby nursing, built into the pillow. invented bay mommy. it's great, darling. >> that's a great present. >> for jillian. >> next, you have this is called the tag-along teddy. if you go on a trip and the child leaves their toy at a rest stop or a restaurant it can ruin your whole trip. >> it can ruin your life depending on how attached the child is. >> this is a little backpack for your teddy right there it stays right there. >> is that cute?
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>> ella. >> i love it. isn't that adorable. >> a tag-along teddy. >> why is it called tag-along teddy? >> that's what they're calling it. you have to go with that. >> it look like a monkey to me. >> this is called the scrub that you can do laundry on the road. >> it's hot. >> it's filled with hot water we these two set up. you take the bag, you add some water to it, and a little bit of soap, the clothes, a little bit of soap. and it seals up. it's got a built in washboard inside the bag. >> what are you talking about? >> you put the clothes in here and you roll it up just like this and that seals it up. >> why don't you just wash it in the sink. >> first of all, if you're backpacking or camping. >> it comes out clean? what about rinsing it? >> you do the same process with clean water and you rinse it out. >> i don't think these ladies do
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laundry. >> and you could also call room service. >> there you go! >> this is an app for your phone called i-exit. this shows you the road of all the exits ahead of you for hundreds of miles. you can click on each exit. and see what's available at each exit. what kind of food or gasoline or what-not. you can set filters. for example if you want mcdonald's at the playground or a pet-friendly hotel. that will show you the exits. this is called drive safely. this actually, it will do your text messages and it will read them back to you. so whoops? >> i need that. >> it reads it to you so you don't -- here you go. you have to trust me on that. >> how is "the today show" segment going? >> not good at the moment. but drive safely. it's a free app, it's for android and blackberry. and when you get some place, you're going to want to use your bike to get around. a terrific fold-up bike. it has only two steps involved. the handlebars come up. this part swings around and
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you're set to go. >> and it locks right in. >> and you're good to go. >> and we're fixed. >> things that will sell out fast at your next bake sale. careful, steve! every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid
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approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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time for today's kitchen. and time to jazz up your kitchen with some new desserts. >> instead of the same old rice crispies. susan westmoreland. we are having a "good housekeeping" day today. so good to see you. >> let's get started with cake mixes this is cake mix made to mix filling these about two-thirds full. >> a clever idea. >> easy to carry. you can put them in a muffin continue to carry. >> then our next thing is -- >> we'll go to this with not much time. >> we're going to pipe this around. >> how long do you bake these guys? >> 20 minutes at 350. >> and you they don't burn? >> you can put them in muffin cups. >> and we can do it the easy way
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and do that. >> so they're really fun. and i have to show you this one. >> it's fashion black and white. isn't that cool? >> this is adorable. >> that's adorable. then this is my favorite. rice crispy treats with peanut butter in them. >> push, push. >> where's jillian michaels when we need her? >> you do that. and then you can look at the ones over there that are already cut. >> you want this shamrock? here you go. >> and over here, we also took -- >> where's the peanut butter portion of it? >> in and on top. >> and then -- >> wow, that's a bite. >> wow. >> the cake mix with the cookies -- on a stick. so -- cake mix without the water in it.
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piped into cookies and you frost, put it on a stick. >> be the martha stewart of your kids' bake sale. >> try this, sarah. >> all right. >> those are good. >> that's a wrap. >> we have an update, guys on our facebook page. >> okay. before we started the show, we were at 497,000 and some change. not that you guys are change. but now we are well above 500,000. 503, sara? tomorrow morning we'll tell you how high we've gotten. >> because i begged! >> klg went on her knees, and not sure what she'll do tomorrow. >> it ain't the first time. >> tomorrow actress jennifer esposito. >> and jennifer gourder with paint tricks. >> and weight loss. >> enjoy your tuesday booze-day, everybody. tomorrow it is wednesday wines-day. i'll keep talking until they say stop.
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>> bye! jeff: from "lord of the rings and" and "lost," dominic monaghan. now you're doing reality, which is tougher? >> the real element of reality is harder. jeff: real man is the reality star. >> that looks like "survivor." why not just come and do it? jeff: then inspirational story of amazing outreach. sports was your outlet. >> it was my life. [applause] hello, hello! a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on the show and i'm learning how to be adad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show because there's a lot to talk about.
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this is an adventure. welcome to the show! have a seat. thank you for the nice welcome. "lord of the rings," "lost," dominic monaghan is here! [cheers and applause] what i like about dominic is he never stops exploring. he has a new reality show and going face to face with some of the world's deadliest creature and it's him. he does stick his hand down in there looking for something. will tell us about the show. the finale is on, in fact, tonight. plus, real inspiring story about an athlete that is about to do something that has never been done before. we will tell you that story. first, say hello, everett from nbc's "community." >> hi! >> how are you? >> i'm good. we're matching today. jeff: totally we are. did you work that out? >> i may have asked what you're wearing. jeff: i love that you asked. >> sometimes i like to match what you're wearing.


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